An Autonomous Institution
NBA / NAAC Accredited/IQAC
An ISO 9001 : 2015 Organisation

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Civil Engineering is the backbone of any nation, as the civil engineers build the infrastructure of the nation. India is a fast developing country and huge infrastructure projects are under construction. Hence large numbers of civil engineers are required for the completion of these projects. Department of Civil Engineering was started in the year 2009 with an intake of 60 Students. Department has very good infrastructure and Laboratories which are equipped with latest equipments. Since inception, the Department is committed to produce competent Civil Engineers. Over the years the department has nurtured young minds to produce bright able civil engineers. The department has expertise in almost the entire spectrum of civil engineering, offering higher degree programme in Structural Engineering. Many of our faculty members and students are involved in research activities in various areas of civil engineering. The department is also very active in conducting conferences, workshops, short term seminars etc. The department has been constantly involved in a range of consultancy projects.








    • The vision of the Civil Engineering Department is to produce the Civil Engineers to meet the dynamic problems in the society with human values


    • To provide high-class engineering education.  
    • To join hands with organizations to provide training and internship.  
    • To facilitate the students for research and development.  
    • To deliver good Civil Engineering graduates with human values.


    In the present context, higher learning institutions offering engineering programme in India have evolved into adopting an outcome based education. The performance of any programme is evaluated based on the outcome of the graduates rather than outputs. The Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) formulated for the civil engineering programme are listed below;

    • Graduates will be successful in professional career by continuously acquiring the fundamentals and core in Civil Engineering.
    • Graduates will be able to get technical knowledge to analyze and design the real life problems in Civil Engineering.
    • Graduates will engage in lifelong learning by pursuing higher studies and Research.
    • Graduates will exhibit good ethical and communication skills, lead a team with good leadership traits and good interpersonal relationship.


    Following are the list of Programme Outcomes (POs) selected for the Civil Engineering programme.

    The students should be able to acquire the following outcomes by fulfilling the objectives (POs) after successful completion of the courses.

    • Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences and Civil Engineering fundamentals.
    • Problem Analysis: Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve for Civil Engineering problems.
    • Design/Development of solution: Able to design and realize civil structures to meet desired needs within practical constraints such as economical, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
    • Conduct Investigations of complex Problem: Able to investigate and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
    • Modern tool Usage: Use of techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
    • The Engineering and Society: Contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues related to Engineering.
    • Environment and Sustainability: Realize the impact of Civil Engineering solutions in a global, economic and environmental context.
    • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commitment to professional ethics and responsibility.
    • Individual and Team Work: Function as an individual and as a member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.
    • Communications: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
    • Project Management and Finance: Knowledge and understanding of management and business practices and their limitations.
    • Lifelong Learning: Recognize the need and have the ability to engage in life-long learning.


    • Proficiency in Civil Engineering problem identification, formulation, analysis, design, execution and safety using appropriate tools.

    • Solve problems in the hydraulics, transportation geotechnical and Surveying disciplines of Civil Engineering with competence in modern tool usage.

    • Apply modern construction techniques, equipment and management tools so as to complete the project within specified time and funds.

    • Graduates will have a broad understanding of economical, environmental, societal and health involved in infrastructural development and ability to function within multidisciplinary teams.

From HOD's Desk

    The Civil Engineering department of P.S.R. Engineering College was started in 2009, to cater to the growing needs of builders for our nation and to the world at large. The department also offers a PG program in M.E. Structural Engineering. The Department is recognized as Research Centre by Anna University for Ph.D level research since 2015. The department has the state of art facilities equipped with latest instruments, equipment, and software for imparting technical knowledge on par with international requirements. Under graduate and Post-graduate students and Research Scholars from our department of civil engineering are imparted with theoretical and practical knowledge which enables them to succeed and have an edge in the competitive world. The students here experience an unparalleled education journey, which prepares them to be a global construction business leader. Apart from academic learnings, the students get an opportunity to participate in various activities and events all throughout the academic year, which contributes to their holistic development. All the students undergo a summer internship programme, which gives them a chance to explore and experience the corporate work life.

    Besides high quality teaching and research at both UG and PG levels, faculty members are actively involved in executing a number of  R&D and Consultancy projects from government agencies including DST, ISRO, UGC, AICTE and also from many reputed industries. The department of Civil Engineering with its multifaceted faculty members, continues to maintain and cultivate its strong link with the infrastructural industry such as L&T, Southern Railway, Tamilnadu Public Work Department, DLF, RAMCO, Godrej, TATA Consultancy, etc.


    I welcome you to be a part of this journey at P.S.R Engineering College, Sivakasi.

    All the best to you.


    Dr. M.Shahul Hameed,

    Professor & Head,

    Dean Research



    Professor & Head,

    Dept. of Civil Engineering,

    PSR Engineering College,

    Sevalpatti,  Sivakasi – 626 140,

    Virudhunagar District,

    Tamil Nadu, India.

    Email :

    Phone : 04562-239600

Faculty Members

The faculty in the department is a rich blend of personnel with industrial and professional experience. The dedicated staff members have sound knowledge in emerging areas. Most faculty members are accomplished doctorates with considerable research and academic experience. The breadth and depth of research interests of the academic staff ensures a high standard lecture courses and provide excellent opportunities for challenging and stimulating final year projects. Individual lecturers supplement their delivery using blackboards, overhead projectors and video projection.


FacultyQualification Designation E-mailUnique IDProfile
Dr.M.Shahul HameedM.E., Ph.D., M.B.A., Ph.D.,Professor and Head Dean(Research) 1-2962601139View
Dr.N.Sakthieswaran M.E., Ph.D Professor
Dr.A.DhanalakshmiM.E., Ph.D.,Associate View
Dr. G. Balaji PonrajM.E., Ph.DAssociate
Dr. L. Arun RajaM.E., Ph.DAssistant View
Mr. S. Kathiresan M.E., Assistant Professor 1-43374037671View
Mr.G.Baskar SinghM.E., (Ph.D)Assistant
Mrs. J. JeyaseelaM.EAssistant View
Ms. S. SowmyaM.E.,Assistant 1-1055409397 View
Mrs. PA. Velci ShrideviM.E., (Ph.D).,Assistant 1-9312156792 View
Ms. T. ThilagalakshmiM.EAssistant