Maintenance Policy
The P.S.R Engineering College owns and operates an extensive infrastructure to deliver its teaching, learning and research programmes. The Institute has an established system for maintenance and utilisation of computers, classrooms, equipment and laboratories in both the campus. This document provides a management framework and an outline on the allocation of responsibilities to ensure effective use and maintenance of existing infrastructure facilities. Diagrammatic representations of a procedure for the maintenance of various infrastructural facilities are presented in this document.
The physical facilities are maintained by the Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering departments of the Institution. The services of plumbers, electricians, and computer analysts are available round the clock in the campus. Electrical engineer is responsible for the uninterrupted power supply and maintenance of equipment like generator sets, general lighting, power distribution system, solar panels etc. Maintenance of water plumbing plants, sewage and drainage is undertaken by support staff.
Transport facilities are monitored and maintained by the transport in-charge and his supporting staffs. Annual maintenance of all vehicles is done promptly at the end of the academic year.
Classrooms with furniture, teaching aids and laboratories are maintained by the respective department staff and supervised by the respective Head of the Department. The laboratory assistants take care of their respective laboratories. The Heads of Departments report to the administration periodically for all the maintenance works. Minor repairs are registered in a ledger maintained in the office and are attended on priority basis. Staffs of respective department monitor effective utilization of the laboratories. Students optimally utilize all classrooms during the daylong working hours and are also mentored to upkeep the furniture.
The library staff is clearly instructed in the care and handling of library documents, particularly during processing, shelving and conveyance of documents. The following steps need to be taken:
Bound volumes are not to be sorted out from their fore edges, as this process weakens the binding.
Shelves should not be fully packed. A too-full shelf can crack spines and cause damage when a reader tries to remove a volume. Huge volumes need to be kept flat.
Dust should not be allowed to deposit on the documents because the collection of dust causes staining of documents and promote chemical and biological problems. Cleaning and using vacuum should be done regularly and carefully.
Magnetic discs or documents containing disc(s) should not be kept open or near any magnetic or electric equipment, i.e. tape recorders, air-conditioners, etc. Such materials should be kept in a dust-free, temperature and humidity controlled room.
Proper pest management is done to minimize the problems caused by insects. Borax or common salt is used to prevent cockroaches. Sodium fluoride is applied to bound volumes to save them from silverfishes. Spread of kerosene oil, DDT or Gammaxine powder over the affected area can help in removal of termites or white ants. Proper cleaning, fumigation and exposure to sunlight to the documents are done to reduce the effect of insects in the library. Repellants are used to save materials from Rats.
Seminar halls in respective departments are routinely monitored by the respective department heads. Auditorium cleanliness is taken care of by the housekeeping team. Effective utilization of seminar halls and auditorium for organizing academic meetings, seminars, conferences and cultural events is made. For accessing the facilities, especially seminar halls the organizing faculty/staff member get permission from the concern department HOD entry will be done in the department register note.
Maintenance of Physical Facilities
In our college, the Computer Maintenance Cell and its support staff maintain the ICT facilities including computers and servers. The annual maintenance includes the required software installation, antivirus and up gradation. To minimize e-waste, electronic gadgets like projectors, computers, printers, photocopiers are serviced and reused. Campus Wi-Fi is maintained by respective centre..
Maintenance of Computer and Accessories
The respective faculty members, staff, lab assistants and other service personnel are given responsibility to maintain the equipments under their purview. Stock registers, log books, issue register are maintained by the respective laboratories to report entries and defects arising for rectification. All major repairs are identified and external expertise sought for maintenance of equipment.
Standard operating procedures for all high end equipments are made available to the users. In- campus users register in the log books and are responsible for the safe handling of the equipments. Breakage and repair if any, are reported to the Head of Department or the concern Lab in-charge as the case may be and suitable measures are taken for speedy functioning of the equipment. Breakage of glassware intended for use by students is entered and charges levied based on the cost of the equipment payable by the students at the end of the year.
The sports equipments, fitness equipments, ground and various courts in our college are supervised and maintained by the Physical Director. Expensive equipments in the fitness lab are maintained through Annual Maintenance. Ground level maintenance is done annually during vacation in addition to the seasonal maintenance done in once in every three months. Physical Director, and students jointly maintain the sports equipments. Seasonal maintenance of all equipments and ground are carried out regularly by the Physical Director with students. Gymnasium and playgrounds are maintained by the Physical Director.
Maintenance of Sports and Games Facility
Cleaning of the campus areas in both campuses including the academic and administrative buildings is performed daily in the morning before the regular classes begin with the help of the college housekeeping team. Toilets are cleaned thrice every day. The whole campus area is maintained by the housekeeping supervisor who will be reporting the completion of work to the concern department heads. .
Maintenance of Campus Cleanliness
The effluent treatment plants and rain water harvesting systems are maintained by the civil engineer and support staff. The maintenance of equipment for water pumping plants, sewage, elevators are undertaken as per their preventive maintenance schedules and guidelines by the equipment supplier. The campuses are equipped with 24/7 safe and adequate drinking water supply using water plant under Annual Maintenance. Fire extinguishers are installed in various blocks and are maintained by the respective departments with the support of the civil engineer. Amenities like canteen, stationery, bank and ATM facilities, laundry are maintained by respective service providers on annual contract.
Green environmental aspects: Garden, the orchards, solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, are maintained by the gardeners every day and frequently by the National Service Scheme volunteers as a service activity.
Annual stock checking of furniture, lab equipment, stationery, ICT facilities, sports items and all assets and reporting of repairs is done by faculty member from other departments assigned by the Principal as a year ending activity and the consolidated report is submitted to the administration to take up necessary actions if required.
The maintenance comprises actions that are carried out to replace worn out assets.
To avoid e – waste the outdated electronics /computers are put on buy back as per norms and new items are procured.