The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2001 with a sanctioned intake of 60. The department is housed in a separate 3 storied building with all infrastructure facilities like Aerated Spacious Class Rooms, Staff Rooms, Department Office, Girls Rest Room, etc.
PEO:1 Lead a professional career by acquiring the basic knowledge in the field of specialization and allied Engineering.
PEO:2 Assess the real life problems and deal with them confidently relevance to the society.
PEO:3 Engage in lifelong learning by pursuing higher studies and participating in professional organizations.
PEO:4 Exhibit interpersonal skills and able to work as a team for success.
PO:1 Engineering Knowledge:Â Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO:2 Problem Analysis:Â Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO:3 Design / Development of Solutions:Â Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO:4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems:Â Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO:5 Modern Tool Usage:Â Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO:6 The Engineer and Society:Â Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO:7 Environment and Sustainability:Â Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO:8 Ethics:Â Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO:9 Individual and Team Work:Â Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO:10 Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO:11 Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO:12 Life-long Learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change..
PSO:1 Skilled to analyze, design and test various electrical and electronic circuits, control system, instrumentation system, computer systems, microprocessor and microcontroller based systems.
PSO:2 Exhibit knowledge and hands-on competence in the application of Electrical machines and power electronic based drives system.
PSO:3 Design and investigate problems in power system network along with protection schemes and effective utilization of electrical energy.
PSO:4 Develop a project management tool for solving complex electrical/electronic problems by applying the knowledge of basic sciences, mathematics and engineering fundamentals.
Dr.R. Muniraj, M.E.,Ph.D.,
Associate Professor & Head,
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
PSR Engineering College,
Sevalpatti, Sivakasi – 626 140,
Virudhunagar District,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Email :
Phone : 04562-239623
The faculty in the department is a rich blend of personnel with industrial and professional experience. The dedicated staff members have sound knowledge in emerging areas. Most faculty members are accomplished postgraduates with considerable research and academic experience. The breadth and depth of research interests of the academic staff ensures a high standard lecture courses and provide excellent opportunities for challenging and stimulating final year projects. Individual lecturers supplement their delivery using blackboards, overhead projectors and video projection.
Dr.R. Muniraj | M.E., Ph.D | Associate Professor & Head | | 1-455253373 | View |
Dr. K. Punitha | M.E., Ph.D | Professor | | 1-3570767524 | View |
Dr. S.Edwin Jose | M.E., Ph.D | Professor | | 1-4637307601 | View |
Dr. R. Aruna | M.Tech, Ph.D | Asso Professor | aruna@psr. | 1-9321981188 | View |
Dr. M.Ulaganathan | M.E., Ph.D | Asso. Professor | | 1-11316393260 | View |
Dr.M.Carmel Sobia | M.E.,Ph.D | Associate Professor | | 1-455253365 | View |
Dr.A.Geetha | M.E, Ph.D | Associate Professor | | 1-455856839 | View |
Dr. J. Kohila | M.E., Ph. D | Associate Professor | | 1-9315126195 | View |
Mr.K.Gurumoorthi | M.E, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | | 1-43385168653 | View |
Dr. J. Lakshmi Priya | M.E., Ph. D | Assistant Professor | | 1-44716351879 | View |
Mrs. S. Krishnaveni | M.E., | Asso. Professor | | 1-723072375 | View |
Mr. S. Ramaraj | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-2635257271 | View |
Mr. P. Sarath Chandran | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-2635289413 | View |
Mr. T.Rengaraj | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-11149874361 | View |
Mr. T.Sudhakar | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-1441491918 | View |
Mr. A.Prabhu | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-11316392875 | View |
Mr. M. Manikandaguru | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-10577705386 | View |
Mrs. A. Praveena | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-44717483194 | View |
Mrs. M. Yamuna | M.E., | Assistant Professor | | 1-1430935759 | View |
Mr.V.Jegathesan | ITI., | LAB TECHNICIAN |
Mr.A.Sundaramahalingam | ITI., | LAB TECHNICIAN |
Mr.S.Sathishkumar | ITI., | LAB TECHNICIAN |
Ms.N. Jeyapriya | B.Sc | LAB INSTRUCTOR |
Mr.P.Murugan | Bsc., | LAB INSTRUCTOR |
The Department laboratories are equipped with Modern computers & Equipment.
This Laboratory is established over a large carpet area of about 330 Sq.m. having D.C. machines, A.C. machines, Transformers, Rectifiers, Special machines, Various loads, Models worth about 17 Lakhs. Electrical Machines – I, Electrical Machines – II Lab classes are conducted in Electrical Machines Laboratory, also ECE and Mechanical Engineering Machines Lab classes can also be conducted in this Lab.
This Laboratory is sprawled over an area of about 169 Sq.m. and various equipments like DSO, CRO, AFO, Trainer Kits and other accessories worth about 10 Lakhs are available for the usage of students. Electric Circuits Lab, Electron Devices Lab, Electronic Circuits Lab, Power Electronics Lab, Micro Processor and Micro Controller Lab are conducted in this Lab.
The Laboratory is occupying an area of about 198 Sq.m. and CRO, Trainer Kits, machines, latest equipments along with other accessories worth about 10 Lakhs are available. Measurements and Instrumentation Lab, Control System Laboratory, Linear Integrated Circuits Lab, Electrical Engineering Lab, etc. are conducted in this Lab.
Electric Motor and Drive systems are ubiquitous in developed society and it falls to the
profession of engineering to utilize these for the benefit of society. Successful engineering practice with Electric Motor and Drive systems requires a wide range of theoretical knowledge along with sufficient hands on training.
Power System Simulation Laboratory was established over an area of about 126.26 Sq.m. The Laboratory is furnished with 30 numbers of INTEL CORE i5 and i3 Processor computers loaded with software packages like MATLAB, and ETAP and Harmonic analyzer. This Laboratory enables the students to acquire knowledge in Power System Analysis, Power System Operation and Control, Power System Protection, Restructuring of Power System and Cable Sizing.
Renewable Energy Laboratory Established over an area of about 71.32 Sq.m in the Academic year 2019-2020. The laboratory is equipped with various equipment like PV panel, Spartan 6 FPGA Controller, 3 Phase Voltage & Current sensing module and Micro wind setup for the usage of students and researchers.
The project laboratory of the department gives students the chance to get invaluable practical experience in a cutting-edge setting where they may develop the physical and creative skills necessary for success in the area of electrical engineering. The Project Laboratory plays a crucial part in encouraging hands-on learning, where students generate original ideas and complete their final projects.
The Research Laboratory is developed with the objective of improving the research activities of UG, PG, research scholars and the faculty of the department. The lab is equipped with all necessary facilities to promote research activities which include high end computer systems with internet facility, advanced software tools.
Despite the circumstances of life, the staffs and students of PSR are continuously making achievements and success stories. They are not just engaging in the curriculum activities to get the graduation but to think differently and critically to collaborate the knowledge with the socio relevant activities. Explore the achievements of PSR people that help them to conquer the challenges and fear!
Name of the Faculty | Title of the course | Institute |
Dr.K.Punitha | Electric Vehicle Part-1 | Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai |
Dr R.Aruna | Electric Vehicle Part-1 | Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai |
Ms S Krishnaveni | Electric Vehicle Part-1 | Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai |
Ms M Kanimozhi | Electric Vehicle Part-1 | Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai |
Dr.S. Edwin Jose | Advances in UHV transmission and distribution | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mr.T. Balasubramanian | Digital Electronic Circuits | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Dr.S.Edwin jose | Recent advances in transmission insulators | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mrs.R.Aruna | Control Engineering | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mrs.R.Aruna | Basic Electronics | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Ms.B.Mangaiyarkkarasi | Basic Electronics | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mr.T. Balasubramanian | Basic Electrical Circuits | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mr.P.Sarath chandran | Basic Electrical Circuits | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mrs.R.Aruna | Automatic Control | Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee |
Sl. No. | Name of the Staff | Name of the Coursera Courses Completed |
1 | Dr.R.Madavan |
2 | Dr.KPunitha |
3 | Dr.S.Edwin Jose |
4 | Dr.S.Anbarasi |
5 | Dr.R.Rajagopal |
6 | Dr.V.Seetharaman |
7 | Mr. T. Balasubramanian |
8 | Mr. S. Sivakumar |
9 | Mrs.S.Krishnaveni |
10 | Mrs.R.Aruna |
11 | Mrs.M.Yamuna |
12 | Mr.S.Ramaraj |
13 | Mr.P.Sarathchandran |
14 | Ms.B.Mangaiyarkkarasi |
15 | Ms.V.Dhivyarubini |
16 | Mr.M.Sivaraman |
17 | Ms.K.Ajitha |
(FROM – TO) |
Dr.R.MADAVAN | Industry 4.0 | FDP Coursework | Thiyagaraja Engineeirng College | 03.11.2022 |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks(VANETS) & Internet of Things(IOT) | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 01.04.2023 to
03.04.2023 |
Introduction to Machine Learning | NPTEL | IIT Madras | Jan to March 2023 | |
An Overview of Patents & Procedure for Protection |
Workshop | RAMCO Institute of Technology | 20.01.2023 | |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
Solar Photovoltaics for Sustainable Future |
International Webinar | Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology and Indian Ceramic Society |
24.12.2022 | |
Upcoming Trends in Wearable Electronics and Internet of Things (IoT) | International Webinar | NITTTR Chennai | 15.10.2022 | |
Amazon web services | FDP | Brainovision solutions India Pvt Ltd And AICTE | 22.08.2022 to 27.08.2022 | |
Electrified Transportation the past , present and future | Webinar | Simats School of Engineeirng | 05.08.2022 | |
IEEE Xplore | Webinar | PSR Engineering College | 02.09.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Simulation Tools in Electrical Engineering | Training Program | Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology | 20.06.2022 to 25.06.2022 | |
Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 | |
Cyber Physical System-Modelling, Simulation and Analysis | Workshop | IEEE India Council in association with IEEE SRM Student Branch | 03.06.2022 to 04.06.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers | NPTEL | IIT Madras | January to April 2023 |
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Training Program | Government of India, Ministry of commerce and Industry | 30.03.2023 | |
Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Data science and its Applications in cloud | FDP | Government College of Technology | 06.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 | |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
Introduction to Arhitecting Smart IoT devices | Coursera Course | Eit Digital Co funded by the European Union | 21.11.2022 | |
M2M and IoT Interface Design and Protocols for Enbedded systems | Coursera Course | University of Colorado Boulder | 28.12.2022 | |
Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards | Coursera Course | Postech Pohang University of Science and Technology | 15.12.2022 | |
Arhitecting smart IoT Devices | Coursera Course | Eit Digital Co funded by the European Union | 13.12.2022 | |
Architecting Smart IoT D evices | Coursera Course | EIT Digital | 13.12.2022 | |
Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices | Coursera Course | EIT Digital | 21.11.2022 | |
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Training Program | Intellectual Property Office and MoE’s Innovation Cell, India | 01.08.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Dr.M.ULAGANATHAN | Electric Vehicles Part I | NPTEL | IIT Madras | Jan to Feb 2023 |
Electrical Vehicle Motors and Drives: Design Analysis and Validation | FDP | SRM Institute of Science and Technology
20.01.2023 to 25.01.2023 | |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Dr.M.CARMEL SOBIA | NBA Accreditation and Teaching and Learning Engineering (NATE) | FDP | IIT Madras | Jan- Apr 2023 |
Emerging Technologies on Biomedical Health care applications | FDP | Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | 12.12.2022 to 17.12.2022 | |
Emerging Technologies on Biomedical-Healthcare Applications | FDP | Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | 12.12. 2022 to 17.12.2022 | |
MATLAB in IoT with Raspberry Pi | FDP | PSR Engineering College | 08.09.2022 to 10.09.2022 | |
ICT Tools for Teaching Learning Pedagogy
GMR Institute of Technology and Sri Sairam Institute of
23.08.2022 to 27.08.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Mr.T.BALASUBRAMANIAN | The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Ms S KRISHNAVENI | Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Data science and its Applications in cloud | FDP | Government College of Technology | 06.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
Implementing ISO 21001:2018, the only one ISO Standard for Educational Organizations worldwide for enhancing quality Education & accreditation |
Webinar | Em Cog Solutions An MSME Registered Educational Management Systems Advisory | 24.09.2022 | |
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Training Program | Intellectual Property Office and MoE’s Innovation Cell, India | 21.09.2022 | |
Electrified Transportation the past , present and future | Webinar | Simats School of Engineeirng | 05.08.2021 | |
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Training Program | Intellectual Property Office and MoE’s Innovation Cell, India | 01.08.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 | |
Mrs.M.YAMUNA | The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Challenges and Measures in Evolving Power systems | FDP | Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology | 06.06.2022 to 11.06.2022 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Mr P SARATH CHANDRAN | The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Mr.M.SIVARAMAN | The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Ms M KANIMOZHI | Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Data science and its Applications in cloud | FDP | Government College of Technology | 06.03.2023 to 10.03.2023 |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 | |
Mr.T.RENGARAJ | Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 |
An Overview of Patents and procedure for ptotection | Workshop | Ramco institute of Technology | 20.01.2023 | |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Mr.A.PRABHU | Recent Trends in Electric Vehicle Technology and Research Oppurtunities | Workshop | Sri Sivasubramaniya nadir College of Engineering | 27.03.2023 to 03.03.2023 |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering |
IFDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
Mrs.S.VALLIMAYIL | Embedded System | FDP | Pantech E Learning Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 27.03.2023 to
27.04.203 |
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission | Training Program | Government of India, Ministry of commerce and Industry | 30.03.2023 | |
Python Full stack Development | FDP | Pantech E Learning Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 28.02.2023 to 29.03.2023 | |
EV Design using MATLAB | FDP | Pantech E Learning Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 08.02.2023 to 09.03.2023 | |
Basics of Electronics | Webinar | Knowledge Downloadable | 21.01.2023 | |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Eswari Engineering College | 05.01.2023 to 12.01.2023 | |
Machine Learning | FDP | Pantech E Learning Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 11.01.2023 to 10.02.2023 | |
Java Full Stack 2.0 Master Class | FDP | Pantech E Learning Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 10.12.2022 to
10.01.2023 |
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 | |
Ms.R.PALSELVAM | The role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Applications | International FDP | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022 |
Dr.S. EDWIN JOSE | Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | RVS College of Engineering and Technology | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 |
Soft Computing Techniques and their Applications in Electrical Engineering | FDP (ATAL) |
National Institute of Technology Patna. | 28.06.2021 to 02.07.2021 | |
Green Technology And Sustainable Development | FDP (ATAL) |
Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur. | 14.06.2021Â Â to 18.06.2021 | |
Current Trends of Power Electronics Applications in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Government Engineering College Valsad. | 07.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 | |
Dr.K.PUNITHA | Simulation Tools in Electrical Engineering | Training Program | Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology | 20.06.2022 to 25.06.2022 |
Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 | |
Cyber Physical System-Modelling, Simulation and Analysis | Workshop | Â IEEE India Council in association with IEEE SRM Student Branch | 03.06.2022 to 04.06.2022 | |
Simulation Tools in Electrical Engineering | Training Program | Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology | 20.06.2022 to 25.06.2022 | |
One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 | |
Electric Vehicle Part-1 | NPTEL Course |
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | March 2022 | |
National Intellectual Property Rights | One Day Awareness Program | Intellectual Property Office, India | 09.03.2022 | |
Future Automation of Power System Protection in Indian Power Sector ( FAPSP’21) – Phase II | FDP | University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli | 11.12.2021 to 24.12.2021 | |
Deep Learning Networks for Image Processing | workshop | IEEE India Council | 22.12.2021 to 23.12.2021 | |
AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 | |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Dr.R.MADAVAN | Research issues in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology | 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021 |
Micro grid An Opportunity: Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Resources | FDP (ATAL) |
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. | 05.07.2021 to 09.07.2021 | |
Cutting Edge Technologies in Energy Storage System for E-Mobility | FDP (ATAL) |
KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology. | 14.06.2021 to 18.06.2021 | |
AI and IoT- Based Technology for Precision Farming and Smart Agriculture Technology | FDP (ATAL) |
KGiSL Institute of Technology | 07.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 | |
Dr S ANBARASI | Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges | FDP | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021 |
Applications of Machine Learning & Deep Learning In Electrical Engineering†Series-II | FDP | Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology | 24.05.2021to 05.06.2021 | |
Dr.V.SEETHARAMAN | Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges | FDP | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021 |
Full Stack AI and Deep Learning Practitioner Approach | STTP | KL Deemed University | 07.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 | |
Dr.R.MUNIRAJ | Control and Automation | FDP | Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology | 14.12.2021 to 17.12.2021 |
Dr R.ARUNA | Electric Vehicle Part-1 | NPTEL Course |
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | March 2022 |
One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 | |
Modern Technologies for Teaching | AICTE Orientation Programme | P.S.R. Engineering College | 31.01.2022 to 05.02.2022 | |
Future Automation of Power System Protection in Indian Power Sector ( FAPSP’21) – Phase II | FDP | University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli | 11.12.2021 to 24.12.2021 | |
Trends & Challenges in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering. | 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 09.07.2021 & 10.07.2021 | |
Wireless embedded systems and sensor networks | FDP (ATAL) |
GH Patel College of Engineering and Technology | 01.06.2021 to 05.06.2021 | |
Full Stack AI and Deep Learning Practitioner Approach | STTP | KL Deemed University | 07.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 | |
Research Perspective on AI,ML, Data Science & IOT | FDP | KL Deemed University | 17.05.201 to 05.06.2021 | |
Mr.T.BALASUBRAMANIAN | AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 |
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges | FDP | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021 | |
Ms S KRISHNAVENI | Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 |
Research Aspects in power Electronic Converters for microgrid system | Workshop | Mepc Schlenk Engineering College | 26.05.2022 to 27.05.2022 | |
Electric Vehicle Part-1 | NPTEL Course |
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | March 2022 | |
National Intellectual Property Rights | One Day Awareness Program | Intellectual Property Office, India | 09.03.2022 | |
One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 | |
Future Automation of Power System Protection in Indian Power Sector ( FAPSP’21) – Phase II | FDP | University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli | 11.12.2021 to 24.12.2021 | |
AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 | |
Research Perspectives: Renewable Energy in Electric Vehicle Charging | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 (10.00AM to 12.30) | |
Trends & Challenges in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering. | 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021 | |
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges | FDP | Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 09.07.2021 & 10.07.2021 | |
Microgrid An Opportunity: Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Resources | FDP (ATAL) | Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. | 05.07.2021 to 09.07.2021 | |
Distributed energy system modelling and control | FDP (ATAL) | Government Engineering College,Bharuch | 21.06.2021 to 25.06.2021 | |
Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Eswari Engineering College | 14.06.2021 to 19.06.2021 time (4.00PM to 5.00PM) | |
Cutting Edge Technologies in Energy Storage System for E-Mobility | FDP (ATAL) | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology. | 14.06.2021 to 18.06.2021 | |
Emerging Technological Challenges in Electric Vehicle | FDP (ATAL) | Annapoorana Engineering College | 2021-06-07 to 2021-06-11 | |
Applications of Machine Learning & Deep Learning In Electrical Engineering†Series-II | FDP | Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology | 24.05.2021to 05.06.2021 | |
Research Perspective on AI,ML, Data Science & IOT | FDP | KL Deemed University | 17.05.201 to 05.06.2021 | |
Mr P SARATH CHANDRAN | One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Electrical Engineering Series- II | FDP | Kamaraj college of Engineering and Technology | 24.05.2021 to 05.06.2021 | |
Mrs.M.YAMUNA | Challenges and Measures in Evolving Power systems | FDP | Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology | 06.06.2022 to 11.06.2022 |
Intelligent computing with IOT in Health care | FTP | Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | 09.05.2022 to 11.05.2022 | |
IOT over Edge and Cloud Computing | FDP | Anand International College of Engineering | 19.04.2022 to 23.04.2022 | |
One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 | |
Recent Trends in Embedded Systems | FDP | Kavikulguru Institute of Technology & Science,Nagpur | 27.05.2021 to 02.06.2021 | |
Research Perspective on AI,ML, Data Science & IOT | FDP | KL Deemed University | 17.05.201 to 05.06.2021 | |
Mr S RAMARAJ | Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 |
Recent Trends in Embedded Systems | FDP | Kavikulguru Institute of Technology & Science,Nagpur | 27.05.2021to 02.06.2021 | |
Recent developments in sustainable processes | FDP (ATAL) |
Indian institute of carpet technology | 31.05.2021 to 04.06.2021 | |
Mr P SARATH CHANDRAN | One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 |
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Electrical Engineering Series- II | FDP | Kamaraj college of Engineering and Technology | 24.05.2021 to 05.06.2021 | |
Mrs.B.MANGAIYARKKARASI | AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 |
Future Automation of Power System Protection in Indian Power Sector ( FAPSP’21) – Phase II | FDP | University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli | 11.12.2021 to 24.12.2021 | |
Mr M SIVARAMAN | AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 |
Applications of Machine learning and deep learning in electrical engineering Series- II | FDP | Kamaraj college of engineering and technology | 24.05.2021 to 05.06.2021 | |
Recent developments in sustainable processes | FDP (ATAL) | Indian institute of carpet technology | 31.05.2021Â to 04.06.2021 | |
State of the art applications and research areas in high voltage engineering | FDP (ATAL) | National institute of technology Calicut | 05.07.2021 to  09.07.2021 | |
Ms R NIKKITHA | Trends & Challenges in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering. | 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021 |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Waste Technology | FDP (ATAL) |
National Power Training Institute-Shivpuri (M.P.) | 02.08.2021 to 06.08.2021 | |
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Robotics | FDP (ATAL) |
Vimal Jyothi Engineering College. | 12-07-2021 to 16.07.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 09.07.2021 & 10.07.2021 | |
Recent Trends in Embedded Systems | FDP | Kavikulguru Institute of Technology & Science,Nagpur | 27.05.2021 to 02.06.2021 | |
Applications Of Machine Learning & Deep Learning In Electrical Engineering†Series-II | FDP | Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology | 24.05.2021to 05.06.2021 | |
Mrs N G DHARANYA | One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 |
Trends & Challenges in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering. | 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 09.07.2021 & 10.07.2021 | |
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Robotics | FDP (ATAL) |
Vimal Jyothi Engineering College. | 12-07-2021 to 16.07.2021 | |
Ms M KANIMOZHI | Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles and smart grid with Renewable energy Technologies for sustainable Development | STTP | Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | 06.06.2022 to 10.06.2022 |
One Week online Faculty Development Program on Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities | FDP | Bansal Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Â Lucknow (U.P.) India | 07.03.2022 to 12.03.2022 | |
Electric Vehicle Part-1 | NPTEL Course |
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | March 2022 | |
National Intellectual Property Rights | One Day Awareness Program | Intellectual Property Office, India | 09.03.2022 | |
Solar Business Development and Energy Efficiency | 3-day virtual Training of Trainers (TOT) Program | e Institute of Sustainable Communities (ISC), Mangla Smart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Tirupur (MSES), and Ram Kalam Centre for Energy Consultancy and Training | 27.01.2022 to 29.01.2022 | |
AI and ML applications to power system | FDP | Vellore Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 | |
Research Perspectives: Renewable Energy in Electric Vehicle Charging | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology | 22/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 | |
Trends & Challenges in Electric Vehicles | FDP (ATAL) |
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering. | 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | SRM TRB Engineering College | 28.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 | |
Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption | FDP (ATAL) |
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College | 19.07.2021 to 23.07.2021 | |
Renewable Energy Conversion Technologies | FDP | SRMÂ TRB Engineering College | 09.07.2021 & 10.07.2021 | |
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Robotics | FDP (ATAL) |
Vimal Jyothi Engineering College. | 12-07-2021 to 16.07.2021 |
Name of theÂ
Faculty |
Name of the workshop/FDP | FDP/STTP | Name of the Institute/Industry | Date and Duration
(from – to) |
MADAVAN R | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT and Big data applications in Power Electronics and its Allied Areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 |
Microgrid Opportunity: Renewable Energy Resources and Buildings | FDP | Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, | 16.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 | |
Emerging Trends in Power and Energy Systems | FDP | Gautam Buddha University | 24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020 | |
Dr.K.PUNITHA | Recent Trends in Information Technology | FDP | CMS college of engg and Technology | 03-06-2020 to  05-06-2020 |
Intelligent Controllers For Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | P S R Engineering College | 02-06-2020 to 03-06-2020 | |
Technological Advances in Power Switching Converters for Renewable Energy Sources and Fuel Cell Technology for E-vehicles | FDP | P S R Engineering College | 01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020 | |
Deep Learning Networks and Applications | FDP | IEEE Madras section | 26-08-2020 to 29-08-2020 | |
Tools for Scientific Communication and Effective Teaching | FDP | VAAGDEVI college of Engineering | 02-06-2020 to  06-06-2020 | |
Dr. EDWIN JOSE S | Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things & Big Data Analysis in Power Electronics and its allied Areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad | 01.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 |
Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Vishnu Institute of Technology Bhimavaram | 08.06.2020 to 12.06.2020 | |
ANBARASI S | Artificial Intelligence, machine Learning, internet of things & Big data applications in power electronics and its allied areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 |
Data Science and Machine Learning | FDP | Sri Krishna college of Technology | 02.05.2020 to 04.05.2020 | |
Effective Usage of ICT tools for E- Content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam college for women | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
Virtual Teaching
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications |
FDP | Coimbaotre Institute of Technology | 29.04.2020 to 30.04.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
KRISHNAVENI S | Technological Advances in Power Switching Converters for Renewable Energy Sources and Fuel Cell Technology for E-vehicles | FDP | Bapatla Engineering College: Bapatla | 01.06.2020 to 05.06.2020 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data Applications in Power Electronics and Its Allied Areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology | 01.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 | |
Advances and challenges in Industrial Automation, E-Vehicles, Product and Process Controls Manufacturing in Electrical And Electronics Engineering | FDP | QIS College of Engineering and Technology | 03.06.2020 to 07.06.2020 | |
ARUNA R | Recent trends in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Vishnu Institute of Technology | 08.06.2020 to      12.06.2020 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, IoT& Big data applications in power electronics and its allied areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana | 01.06.2020 to    06.06.2020 | |
Technological Advances in Power Switching converters for renewable energy sources and fuel cell technology for E-vehicles | FDP | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 01.06.2020Â to 05.06.2020 | |
Microgrid Opportunity: Renewable Energy Resources and Buildings | FDP | Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, | 16.06.2020Â to 20.06.2020 | |
Advanced Power system simulation softwares | STTP | SSN College of Engineering | 25.06.2020to 27.06.2020 | |
M.YAMUNA | Recent advancement in High Voltage Engineering- RHVE 2K20 | FDP | SRM Valliammai Engineering College | 02.11.2020to 07.11.2020 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, IoT& Big data applications in power electronics and its allied areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana | 01.06.2020Â to 06.06.2020 | |
Advances and challenges in Industrial Automation, E-Vehicles, Product and Process Controls Manufacturing in Electrical And Electronics Engineering | FDP | QIS College of Engineering and Technology | 03.06.2020 to 07.06.2020 | |
Microgrid Opportunity: Renewable Energy Resources and Buildings | FDP | Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, | 16.06.2020to 20.06.2020 | |
SARATH CHANDRAN P | Tools for Scientific Communication and Effective Teaching | FDP | Vaagdevi College Of Engineering | 02.06.2020Â to 06.06.2020 |
Recent trends in Computer Architecture, VLSI and Embedded Systems | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology |
08.06.2020Â to 13.06.2020 | |
Electric Power Grid Modernization Trends, Challenges And Opportunities |
FDP | KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences,Andhra Pradesh, | 09.06.2020Â to 13.06.2020 | |
Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, internet of things & big data applications in power electronics and its allied areas | FDP | GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology |
01.06.2020Â to 06.06.2020 | |
AJITHA K | Advances and Challenges in Industrial Automation, E-vehicles, Product and Process | FDP | QIS College of Engineering and Technology | 3.06.2020 to 7.06.2020 |
Tools for Scientific Communication and Effective Teaching | FDP | Vaagdevi College of Engineering | 2.06.2020Â to 06.06.2020 | |
Technical innovation and research opportunities in power engineering | FDP | BNM Institute of Technology | 10.08.2020Â to 14.08.2020 | |
Technological Advances in Power Switching Converters for Renewable Energy Sources and Fuel Cell Technology for E-vehicles |
FDP | Bapatla Engineering College: Bapatla | 01.06.2020 to 05.06.2020 | |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IOT and Big Data Applications in Power Electronics and its Allied Areas | FDP | GokarajuRanagarajuInstrituutr of Engineering and Technology | 1.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 | |
Energy Management Systems | FDP | R.M.D. Engineering College | 8.06.2020 to 13.06.2020 | |
Microgrid Opportunity: Renewable Energy Resources and Buildings |
FDP | Dayalbagh Educational Institute | 16.06.2020Â to 20.06.2020 |
Name of the
Faculty |
Name of the workshop/FDP | FDP/STTP | Name of the Institute/Industry | Date and Duration
(from – to) |
Dr.MADAVAN R | FDP on “Machine learning and Deep Learning for real time stream analytics” | FDP | MepcoSchlenk Engineering College | 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019 |
Internet of Things by | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 | |
R Programming Spoken Tutorial | FDP | IIT Bombay | 30.04.2020 | |
To promote Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship and Start-ups | FDP | Institution’s Innovation Council of MHRD | 28.04.2020 to 22.05.2020 | |
Data Analytics using Python | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 18.02.2020 to 22.05.2020 | |
Dr. EDWIN JOSE S | Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 |
Data Sciences | FDP | AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy | 20.04.2020 to 24.04.2020 | |
R Programming | FDP | IIT Bombay | 30.04.2020 | |
Industry 4.0 – Curtain Raiser | FDP | CIT Learning Center, Coimbatore | 24.04.2020 to 28.04..2020 | |
Effective Usage of ICT tools for E-content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam college for women Periyakulam | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
Recent trends in Information Computing Communication and Teaching Methodology Competency | FDP | MHRD Sai Ram Engineering College | 04.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Government College of Engineering Karad | 07.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 | |
Design of Power switched converters for Renewable Energy Applications | FDP | KL University | 09.05.2020 to 11.05.2020 | |
Emerging Trends in Data Migration and wearable Computing aspects of IOE | STTP | P.S.R Engineering College | 09.12.2019 to 14.12.2019 | |
Data Science using PYTHON | FDP | Jeppiar Institute of Technology Sriperumbudur | 18.05.2020 to 22.05.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Knowledge sharing session on Recent trends and its application in Electronics | FDP | St Martin’s Engineering College Secunderabad | 03.05.2020 to 07.05.2020 | |
DR.K.PUNITHA | Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | P S R Engineering College | May 18-23,2020 |
Recent Trends in Information Technology | FDP | AmirthaviswaVidhyapeedam | 23.04.2020 to 28.04.2020 | |
How to Write a Good Research Project Proposal | FDP | IIT Kanpur | 31-05-2020 | |
Challenges in Micro-grid Protection | FDP | KL University | 06.05.2020 to 07.05.2020 | |
IoT | FDP | PSNA | 06-05-2010 to 08-05-2020 | |
IoT | FDP | NITTTR | 15-04-2020-19-04-2020 | |
Dr.S.ANBARASI | Data Science and Machine Learning | FDP | Sri Krishna college of Technology | 02.05.2020 to 04.05.2020 |
Effective Usage of ICT tools for E- Content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam college for women | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
Virtual Teaching
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications |
FDP | Coimbaotre Institute of Technology | 29.04.2020 to 30.04.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Dr SEETHARAMAN V | Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 |
SIVAKUMAR S | Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 |
Effective Usage of ICT tools for E- Content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam college for women | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
KRISHNAVENI S | Machine learning and deep learning for real time stream analysis | FDP | MepcoSchlenk Engineering College | 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019 |
Effective Usages of ICT Tools for E-Content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam college for women | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
Recent Trends in Information Computing Communication and Teaching Methodology Competency | FDP | Sai Ram Engineering College | 04.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 | |
Recent Trends in Electronics Industry | FDP | Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and Its Applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Role of IOT, Embedded, Electric Vehicle and Power Electronic Converters for Smart World | FDP | St.Joseph’s College of Engineering | 18.05.2020 to 22.05.2020 | |
ARUNA R | Deep Neural Networks and Expert Systems | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020 |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Recent trends in Information, Computing, Communication and Teaching Methodology Competency | FDP | Sai Ram Engineering College | 04.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 | |
Effective usage of ICT Tools for E-content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam College for women | 27.4.2020 to
02.05.2020 |
Recent Trends in Electronics Industry | FDP | Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Role of IoT, Embedded, Electric Vehicle & Power Electronic Converters for Smart World | FDP | St.Joseph’s College of Engineering | 18.05.2020to 22.05.2020 | |
Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.04.2020 | |
Data Science and Machine Learning | FDP | Sri Krishna College of Engineering | 02.05.2020 to 04.05. 2020 | |
Power Quality Application note for HT Industries | FDP | Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai | 28.09. 2019 | |
M.YAMUNA | Machine learning and deep learning for real time stream analysis | FDP | MepcoSchlenk Engineering College | 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019 |
Recent trends in Information, Computing, Communication and Teaching Methodology Competency | FDP | Sai Ram Engineering College | 04.05.2020to 17.05.2020 | |
Role of IoT, Embedded, Electric Vehicle & Power Electronic Converters for Smart World | FDP | St.Joseph’s College of Engineering | 18.05.2020to 22.05.2020 | |
Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.04.2020 | |
Effective usage of ICT Tools for E-content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam College for women | 27.04.2020to 02.05.2020 | |
SARATH CHANDRAN P | Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering | FDP | Government College of Engineering, Karad | 07.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 | |
Recent trends in information, Computing, Communication and teaching Methodology Competency | FDP | Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai | 04.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 | |
Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | P.S.R Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 2305.2020 | |
Recent Trends in Electronics Industry (RTEI) | FDP | Annamacharya Institute of Technology | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
SIVARAMAN M | Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 |
One week FDP on Moodle Learning System by Center for Virtual Learning | FDP | Dr. N.G.P college of Arts and Science | 04.05.2020 to 10.05.2020 | |
MANGAIYARKKARASI B | Effective Usage Of ICT Tools for E- Content Preparation | FDP | JayarajAnnapackiam College for women | 27.04.2020 to 02.05. 2020 |
Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 | |
Recent trends in Electronics industry | FDP | Annamacharya Institute of Technology | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
Recent trends in Information, Computing, communication Teaching methodology Competency | FDP | Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai | 04.05.2020 to 17.05.2020 | |
Virtual Training for Renewable Energy Systems | FDP | S.A. Engineering College | 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. | |
Data Science And Machine Learning | FDP | Sri Krishna College of Engineering | 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020 | |
Virtual Teaching | FDP | Coimbatore Institute of Technology | 29.04.2020 to 30.04.2020 | |
AJITHA K | Emotional Intelligence | FDP | KG College of Arts and Science | 28, 29.04.2020 & 01.05.2020 |
Virtual Training for Renewable EnergySystems | FDP | S.A. Engineering College | 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020 | |
Internet of Things | FDP | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 15.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 | |
Recent Trends in Electronics industry | FDP | Annamacharya Institute of Technolgy and Science | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
“Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications | FDP | PSR Engineering College | 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 | |
LaTex | FDP | Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College | 04.05.2020 to 10.05.2020 | |
Moodle Learning Management System | FDP | Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College | 04.05.2020 to 10.05.2021 |
Dr.K.Anbarasi | Faculty development
Program |
Digital Signal Processing | Thiyagarajar college of engineering and technology 6th -11th may 2019. |
M.Yamuna | Faculty development
Program |
Smart Grid and Distributed Generation Technologies Through ICT | MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, January 2019. |
Mr.S.Manimaran | Seminar | Mathematical optimization for power systems | Indian institute of science, June,2018 |
Ms.V.DhivyaRubini | Faculty development
Program |
Instructional design and delivery system | National institute of technical teachers training and research, August,2018 |
Ms.B.Mangayarkkarasi | Faculty development
Program |
Instructional design and delivery system | National institute of technical teachers training and research, August 2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Camp | Entrepreneurship awareness camp | Entrepreneurship Development institution of India, December,2018 |
Mr.S.Manimaran | workshop | Smart grid & micro grid systems- research issues | MEPCO Schlenk Engineering, 2018 |
Dr.R.Madhavan | workshop | Pathways to institutional advancement through research | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2018 |
Mrs.K.Anbarasi | NPTEL Online Course | Fundamentals of electrical engineering | August, 2018 |
Dr.S.Edwin Jose | NPTEL Online Course | Recent Advances in Transmission Insulators | August, 2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Faculty development
Program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | P.S.R Engineering College, July,2018 |
Dr.R.Madavan | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering College November,2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Camp | Entrepreneurship awareness camp | PSR Engineering college January, 2019 |
Mr.S.Sivakumar | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mrs.S.Krishnaveni | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mrs.S.Krishnaveni | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mrs.M.Yamuna | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Edwin Jose | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.M.Sivaraman | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.S.Ramaraj | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.P.Sarathchandran | Faculty development
program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Ms.V.Dhivyarubini | Faculty development
Program |
Research avenues of Neural Network in Engineering and Technology | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.M.Sivaraman | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Ms.V.Dhivyarubini | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.R.Madhavan | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Edwin Jose | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.S.Sivakumar | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.P.Sarathchandran | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.S.Ramaraj | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mrs.M.Yamuna | Workshop | Tips and tricks in Microsoft office | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Ramesh | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mr.T.Balasubramanian | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.R.Madhavan | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,018 |
Dr.S.Edwin Jose | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Ms.B.Mangayarkkarasi | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Mrs.R.Aruna | Seminar | Technical paper writing | PSR Engineering college November,2018 |
Ms.V.Dhivyarubini | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Mr.P.Sarathchandran | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Mrs.R.Aruna | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Dr.R.Madhavan | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Dr.S.Ramesh | Workshop | E- Learning Resource-Google Classroom | PSR Engineering college October, 2018 |
Mr.M.Sivaraman | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Dr.S.Ramesh | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mrs.S.Krishnaveni | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mrs.M.Yamuna | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mr.S.Sivakumar | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Dr.R.Madavan | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Dr.S.Edwin Jose | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Dr.S.Anbarasi | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Ms.B.Mangayarkkarasi | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mr.S.Ramaraj | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mr.S.Manimaran | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Ms.V.Dhivyarubini | Faculty development
program |
Outcome based Education and AICTE model curriculum | PSR Engineering college July,2018 |
Mr.S.Ramaraj | camp | Entrepreneurship awareness camp | PSR Engineering college 2018 |
PSR has a long story of recruiting their graduates and postgraduates to a variety of companies both nationwide and MNCs. Over the past few decades, students get acquired over 1000+ companies all around the globe. They are at the forefront in all hiring programs hosted in the college as well as in the drafting campaigns.
S.NO | Name of the student placed | Name of the Employer |
1. | RUKKUMANI S | Renault Nissan Technology Business Centre India Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
2. | MUTHUKUMAR M | Soft Suave Technologies Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
3. | RAJA S | Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
4. | USHANANDHINI N | Aspire Systems India Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
5. | VIGNESH S | Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Chennai. |
6. | GOBI KRISHNA S | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions, Madurai. |
7. | KIRTHICK ROSHAN S | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions, Madurai. |
8. | POTHIRAJ K | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions, Madurai. |
9. | GURUMAHARAJA A | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions, Madurai. |
10. | KARANKUMAR S | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions, Madurai. |
11. | AHAMED ASICK M | Omega Healthcare Management Services Pvt.Ltd., Coimbatore. |
12. | ARULJEEVA A | Omega Healthcare Management Services Pvt.Ltd., Coimbatore. |
13. | ANGURAJ S | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
14. | ARAVIND G | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
15. | ARUMUGAKANI A | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
16. | DINESH KRISHNAN M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
17. | GOPIKANNAN J | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
18. | JEYASIMMAN V | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
19. | KARTHICK T | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
20. | KRISHNAMOORTHY P | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
21. | LAKSHMANARAJ P | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
22. | MAHESH BOOPATHI P | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
23. | MANOJ M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
24. | MANORANJITH P | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
25. | MOHAMMED NAZAR M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
26. | MOHANRAJ A | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
27. | PALANIVEL S | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
28. | RAJESWARAN M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
29. | RAVIKUMAR K | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
30. | SARAN KUMAR R | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
31. | SARAVANAN R | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
32. | SHANMUGA KUMAR E | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
33. | VEERAMANIKANDAN S | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
34. | VIKRAM J | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
35. | VINOTH KUMAR M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
36. | GANGATHARAN P | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
37. | GOPALA KRISHNAN M | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
38. | S.JOHNSOLOMON | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
39. | MANISH PRABHU R | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
40. | SANJEEVIKUMAR G | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
41. | SURENDHAR T | Voltech Engineering Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
42. | RAMESH S | Innowell Engineering International Pvt.Ltd., Sivakasi. |
43. | SAMPATHKUMAR S | Innowell Engineering International Pvt.Ltd., Sivakasi. |
44. | DHAMOTHARAKANNAN R | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
45. | DHINESH J | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
46. | DHIVAKAR R | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
47. | DINESH R | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
48. | DINESHKUMAR J | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
49. | RAJESH L | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
50. | SUDARSON K | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
51. | TATHIN DHEVESH K | Evoriea Infotech Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru. |
52. | NANDHA BALAN A | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
53. | PANDI KUMAR S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
54. | SANGILIPANDI M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
55. | SURYA A | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
56. | MANIKANDAN A | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
57. | JEYAKRISHNA N | Upmost Solution Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
58. | RAMKUMAR S | Vishay Precision Transducers India Pvt.Ltd., Chennai. |
S. No. |
Name of the student placed |
Name of the Employer |
1 | SARAVANABHAVAN V | Ageas Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Erode |
2 | MUKESH M S | Ageas Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Erode |
3 | ARJUNSINGH S | Caliber Interconnect Solutions |
4 | VIJAYAVENKATESH G | Caliber Interconnect Solutions |
5 | AARTHI SHUNMUGA LAKSHMI M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd |
6 | ABISHEIK I | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd |
7 | CHANDRU M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
8 | DINESHKARAN M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
9 | KARTHIKEYAN K | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
10 | KARUPPASAMY R | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
11 | MATHAN S | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
12 | POIYAZHISAMY N | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
13 | POOMINATHAN K | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
14 | RAMALINGAM S | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
15 | SHARUMATHI R | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
16 | VANARAJ M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
17 | VISHAL M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
18 | GANESH KUMAR M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
19 | MUTHAMILSELVAN K | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
20 | RAJESH M | JBM Auto parts Pvt Ltd, |
21 | ARMSTRONG A | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
22 | GOWTHAM S | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
23 | MANOJVEL B | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
24 | MUTHUKUMAR B | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
25 | PRAVEEN KUMAR J | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
26 | SARAVANAKUMAR B | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
27 | VIGNESH KUMAR J | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
28 | VIJAYASANKAR N | METEC Design and Construction Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
29 | AKASH J | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions |
30 | KARTHIKEYAN S | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions |
31 | MAHESWARAN M | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions |
32 | SIVAPRAKASH P | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions |
33 | VAIRA LAKSHMI B | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions |
34 | MAHESHKUMAR M | PSG & Sons Charities Metallurgy and Foundry Division |
35 | DHATCHANAA MURRTHY M A | PSG & Sons Charities Metallurgy and Foundry Division |
36 | ARUN KUMAR R | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
37 | VELSAMY M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
38 | MAHALINGAM V | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
39 | VISWANATH S B | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
40 | SARAVANA KUMAR R | WIPRO Indi Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
41 | PETCHIMUTHU P | Worksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
42 | SANKAR DHINESH C | Worksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
43 | VIGNESH P | Worksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
44 | SANJAY S | ZOHO Corp Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
S. No. | Name of the student placed | Name of the Employer |
1. | DEEPAN CHELLATHURAI J | Pothigai Power Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
2. | ESAKKI SANKAR S | Pothigai Power Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
3. | SETHUPRASATH M | Pothigai Power Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
4. | MUTHUKOMU G | Pothigai Power Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
5. | AYYAPPAN S | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
6. | HARIHARALINGAM J | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
7. | GANESH MOORTHI A | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
8. | GOBINATHAN V | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
9. | JEYAANANTH S | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
10. | JOHN SUVEKAR S | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
11. | KARPAGA SARAVANA KUMAR K | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
12. | KARTHICK K | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
13. | MADHAVAN N | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
14. | MUTHU MAREESWARAN G | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
15. | RAJESH KUMAR P | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
16. | RAJESH M | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
17. | SIVASANKARAN R | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
18. | GOWTHAM K | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
19. | PONRAJAPANDIYAN A | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
20. | VIGNESHWARAN R | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
21. | SABARISANKARAN A | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
22. | YOHINATH D | Voltech Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. |
23. | SANKARA MAHALINGAM M | Evoriea Infotech PVT.LTD.
24. | ARAVINTH S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
25. | BASKAR. K | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
26. | KARTHIKEYAN G | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
27. | MATHAVAN S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
28. | SURESH ANANDH M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
29. | ANANDH A | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
30. | BALAKUMARAN. V | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
31. | ABINAYA K | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
32. | DHIVYA G | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
33. | GANDHI R | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
34. | GOKULAPRIYA M | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
35. | GOWTHAMRAJ R | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
36. | JENIPER M | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
37. | JEYAPRAKASH J | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
38. | KANIMOZHI N | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
39. | KARTHIK V | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
40. | KUMARAVEL V | 5K car Care Pvt Ltd, Kovai |
41. | PRAKASH | 5K car Care Pvt Ltd, Kovai |
42. | RAMAKRISHNAN A | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
43. | SARAVANA KUMAR E | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
44. | SATHESHKUMAR R | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
45. | SATHISH KUMAR P | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
46. | SIVASANKARAN S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
47. | SUDALAIMANI S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
48. | SUGAN P | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
49. | SUNDAR S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
50. | THANGAPRIYA N | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
51. | VIJAYA KUMAR M | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
52. | VISHNUKUMAR S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
53. | YAMUNASRI P | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
54. | ASWINKUMAR S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
55. | GOPIKRISHNAN S | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
56. | PREM KUMAR R | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
57. | S.S. RAKESH | 5K car Care Pvt Ltd, Kovai |
58. | SARANKUMAR M | Sakthi Auto Component Pvt Limited, Thiruppur. |
59. | YOGESWARAN K | MMC Infotech Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
S. No. | Name of the student placed | Name of the Employer |
1.       | MAHESWARI K | Tata consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
2.       | THANGADURAI M | Tata consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
3.       | ASHA K | Schneider Electric Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
4.       | BHUVANESHWARI R | Schneider Electric Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
5.       | SUNDARI V | Schneider Electric Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
6.       | ANITHA K | Schneider Electric Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
7.       | ARAVINDHAN M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
8.       | BALACHANDAR S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
9.       | ESWARAN S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
10.    | KALIRAJAN B | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
11.    | KRISHNAVENI P | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
12.    | MAHESWARAN M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
13.    | MANIKANDAN S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
14.    | MUNEESWARAN M | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
15.    | NARENDRAN A | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
16.    | SANTHOSH B | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
17.    | DHAMODHARAKANAN S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
18.    | KARTHEESWARAN S | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
19.    | MATHANRAJA R | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
20.    | NAVARTHINA PANDIYAN T | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
21.    | RAMKUMAR A | Shree Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
22.    | ALAGUMUTHU T | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
23.    | GOMATHYSANKAR E | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
24.    | GURUNATHAN S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
25.    | KALIRAJ S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
26.    | KARUPPASAMY B | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
27.    | KRISHNASAMY S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
28.    | GOKUL KRISHNA. S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
29.    | LENIN | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
30.    | MANOJ KUMAR S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
31.    | RAMAR S | Woksbot Applications Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
32.    | NIVETHA T.K | Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. |
33.    | VIGNESHWARAN M | Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. |
34.    | KRISHNAKUMARR | Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. |
35.    | MUPPIDATHI S | Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. |
36.    | MOHAMED RIYASUDEEN | Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. |
37.    | PRAVEEN KUMAR S | Uniq Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
38.    | KALPANADEVI | RSIMPL- Foxconn Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
39.    | V.M RISHIKANTH | UCAL Fuel Systems Pvt Ltd |
40.    | K. KARTHICK KUMAR | UCAL Fuel Systems Pvt Ltd |
41.    | S.SURYAKUMAR | UCAL Fuel Systems Pvt Ltd, |
42.    | ANANTHARAMKUMAR | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
43.    | ROBIN | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
44.    | DINESH KUMAR K | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
45.    | HARVIN S | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
46.    | LAKSHMI H | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
47.    | MARISELVAKUMAR M | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
48.    | MARISRAJ L | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
49.    | MOORTHI G | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
50.    | SENTHIL KUMAR S | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
51.    | VELPRAKASH U | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
52.    | VIJAY G | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
53.    | VIJAYAKUMAR K | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
54.    | AJITHKUMAR B | Elite Estate Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
S. No. | Name of the student placed | Name of the Employer |
1. | SURYA S | TATA Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
2. | KARTHIGA K | HCL Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
3. | KAMALRAJ S | Sri Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
4. | KANAGA JOHN CHRUST P | Sri Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
5. | MARISELVAM M | Sri Abirami Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
6. | KALIRAJ A | Wind Care Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
7. | KOTTURSAMY A | Wind Care Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
8. | SAKTHIRAJA M | Wind Care Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
RAHUL R | JUST DIAL Pvt Ltd, Chennai | |
RAMSUNDAR S | JUST DIAL Pvt Ltd, Chennai | |
RAJAN R | JUST DIAL Pvt Ltd, Chennai | |
ESSAI ANANTH M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai | |
13. | JAYARAMAN M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
14. | MARISELVAM M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
15. | MOHAMED ABUBACKAR A | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
16. | SYEDIBRAKIM D | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
17. | AJAY SARAVANAN M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
18. | KRISHNARAJ K | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
19. | MURUGARAJ M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
20. | RAMESH M | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
21. | SURESHKUMAR S | IDBI Federal Insurance Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
22. | BALAMURUGAN U | ETHNUS Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
23. | CHIDAMBARAM V | ETHNUS Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
24. | AJITH KUMAR S M | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
25. | DIVYA K | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
26. | KALAISELVAN J | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
27. | KARUTHADURAI K | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
28. | MEGALA K | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
29. | MUTHU MANIKANDAN M S | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
30. | PON MONISHA S | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
31. | VAISHNAVI DEVI R | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
32. | VIGNESHWARAN M | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
33. | VIJAY P | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
34. | DINESH PANDIAN T | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
35. | SUDHAKAR V | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
36. | GANESH KUMAR K | Sakthi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, Tirupur |
37. | GOKUL S | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
38. | MUTHUMANIKANDAN S | Bevywise Networks Pvt Ltd, Tirunelveli |
39. | MATHAN KUMAR R | Bevywise Networks Pvt Ltd, Tirunelveli |
40. | JAYABASKAR G | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
41. | JEYACHITHRADEVI J | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
42. | MANIKANDAGURU M | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
43. | SIVAKUMAR R | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
44. | ALAGUSELVAM R | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
45. | KARTHIK PARBHU J | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
46. | MARI SELVAM N | Hinduja Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
The college organizes events with many purposes in intention. Some of the significant events were on support on employment workshops, entertainment, academic studios, international and socio-cultural activities, etc. The objective is to create a multicultural and international understanding among the students and staff.
One Day Workshop was organized by EEE Association on the title of
“Design Compact Arduino with Easy EDA†on 11.02.2023
One Day Workshop On Electrical Vehicle Using Matlab on 01.02.2023 was organized by EEE Association under the guidance of HoD Dr.R.Madavan.
One day seminar on “Industrial Energy auditing and energy conservation†on 31.01.2023 was organized by EEE Association under the guidance of HoD Dr.R.Madavan.
One day hands on training on PCB Design was organized by Mr.G.Guruvel sarveshwar, III EEEE and Mr.G.Murugaraj ,III EE under the guidance of HoD Dr.R.Madavan and the Association Incharges was conducted on 28.01.2023
One day Seminar on Industrial Automation using PLC was organized by Mr.S.Mohit, II EEE, Mr.S.Mukeshkanna,II EEE, Mr.M.Murugananth, II EEE, Mr.M.Saravana selvam, II EEE. and Mr.M.Thilagaraj, II EEE under the guidance of HoD Dr.R.Madavan and Association Incharge Dr.M.Carmel Sobia was conducted on 21.01.2023.
Training on poster designing using pixel lab was organized by Mr.M.MOHAMMED NAZAR and Mr.P.MAHESH BOOPATHI, Final year EEE students on 07.01.2023.
Department of EEE has Organized one-day seminar “EMBEDDED SYSTEM†on 06.01.2023
Department of EEE has Organized one-day seminar “INDUSTRY 4.0†on 27.12.2022
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized one day Social awareness program on title “Electrical Energy Conservation and Electrical Safetyâ€,on 23.11.2022
One day National level technical symposium “SYNCHRIONZ-2K22†organized by EEE DEPT, on 11.10.2022
Department of EEE has Organized guest lecture on “Career Guidance for Electrical Engineers†on 16.08.2022 by our alumni Er.P.Kanaga John Chrust
Department of EEE has Organized one-week Value added course on “EMBEDDED SYSTEM AND IoT, from 15.09.22 to 20.09.22
One day National Conference on Power and Energy Systems - (NCPES2K22) organized by EEE DEPT,from 07.05.2021 to 27.05.2022
Department of EEE has Organized a seminar “Startup on Energy Audit and Energy Saving opportunities in Domestic and Industrial Equipmentâ€on 04.05.2022
Department of EEE has Organized one-week Value added course on “Hands on Training on DAQ using Graphical Approach – LABVIEW, from 22.02.2022 to 26.02.2022
One day National level technical symposium “SPANGLES 2K21†organized by EEE DEPT, on 03.12.2021
Department of EEE has Organized one-week Value added course on “REVIT MEP 2021 (CADD) program†by Swaya CADD TECH, from 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021
Department of EEE has Organized Engineer’s day celebration and webinar on goal setting for success in career and life on 15.09.2021
Department of EEE has Organized a one-day seminar titled “Applications of Numerical Relays†on 11.09.2021.
Online Short term course on Hydrogen based E-Vehicle organized by Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 09.08.2021 to 13.08.2021
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized an online webinar on title, “Recent Trends in Green Energy Systems†on 14.07.2021
Two daysVirtual International Conference on Power and Energy Systems - ICPES2K21 organized by EEE DEPT,from 07.05.2021 to 08.05.2021
One day National level technical symposium “GRALITZ-2K21†organized by EEE DEPT, on 31.03.2021
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized one day Social awareness program on title “Electrical Energy Conservation and Electrical Safety”,on 24.03.2021
Short term course on PCB Design and Component Testing organized by Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 27.01.2021 to 01.02.2021
Short term course on Power Electronics based Green Energy System organized by Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 02.11.2020 to 06.11.2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized one week online FDP on “Research opportunities in Electrical Engineerng and its applications” from 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized an online webinar on title, “Advancement in Solar PV and Thermal Technologies for Power Generation” on 15.05.2020
One day National level PROJECT CONTEST “PRAKALPA” organized by EEE DEPT, on 06.03.2020
Two weeks workshop on “ Electrical CAD” presented by Mr.V.P.Thirupathi Raja Senior Trainer from AUTODESK AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER , from 26.02.2020 to 02.03.2020
Five days’ workshop on “EPLAN” presented by KANCHI RAJESH in EEE DEPT, from 26.02.2020 to 02.03.2020
MoU signed with VoltechPvt ltd, Chennai on 14.02.2020
MoU signed with Abirami Engineering Works Pvt, Chennai on 15.02.2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized an online value added webinar on title, “Recent Advances in On-Line Condition Monitoring of Transformers” on 19.06.2020.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized two day online FDP on “Intelligent Controllers for Renewable Energy Systems ” on 02.06.2020 to 03.06.2020
One-week Value added course on “Modern Protection Schemes of Power System Equipments” by Mr.A.Prabhu, AGM-Training, Voltech Group, Chennai, for III Year EEE, from 01.10.2019 to 05.10.2019
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized organized an online value added webinar on title “Advancement in solar PV and Thermal Technologies for Power Generation” on 15.05.2020.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized organized an online value added webinar on title “Challenges in Power Engineering” for students on 13.05.2020.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized an One week online FDP on “Research Opportunities in Electrical Engineering and its Applications” on 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020
One-week WORKSHOP on “E-CAD” by organized Hi-Tech for IV Year EEE, from 01.10.2019 to 06.10.2019
One day National level technical symposium “GRALITZ-2K19” organized by EEE DEPT, on 20.09.2019
One day National level PROJECT CONTEST “PRAKALPA-2K19” organized by EEE DEPT, on 07.03.2019
Five days’ workshop on “Industrial Automation” organized by Waxwing Group in EEE DEPT, from 04.03.2019 to 08.03.2019
One day Guest lecturer program on Job opportunities in Electrical Field by Mr. V. MANIKANDAN, MARKETING HEAD, SPARES 4U, Madurai organized by EEE DEPT, on 28.01.2019
One day National level technical symposium“POVOIUR-2K19” by organized by EEE DEPT on 25.01.2019
One week hands on training programme for first year students by EEE Department faculties from 07.01.2019 - 11.01.2019
One week workshop on “Solar installation” by Mr. Muthu Kumar organized by EEE DEPT on 12.12.2018
Ten days workshop on “Auto CAD Electrical” by Mr. V.P.Thirupathi Raja Cadd Master organized by EEE DEPT on 23.10.2018
“Recent Trends in Industrial Electrical Engineering” by Mr. S.V.Raghavan, Project Manager, Dangote Group, Nigeria on 26.07.2018.
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has Organized National Level Technical Symposium "INTELLECT 2K17" on 15.09.2018.
Department Of EEE & ECE Jointly Organized National Level Technical Symposium "PRAKALPA2K18" on 23-02-2018.
Our Department has Organized a three day Entrepreneurship Development Programme titled “Business scope in Solar Energy” by Centre for entrepreneurship development (Tamilnadu) Madurai from 06.02.2018 to 08.02.2018
We have Organized a one day workshop titled “Internet of Things” on 21.06.2017.
Dept. of EEE has Organized a one day seminar titled “Digital Marketing” on 16.06.2017. Our 2016 batch alumni Mr.K.B.Srinivasan handled the sessions.
Academic study is a collaborative educational process where the students and staff are communicating to ensure speculative and career goals. Both the parties are making their part to a greater extent to reach success.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering have been recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai since November 2016.
S.No | Details | Total |
1. | Faculty Strength | 18 |
2. | No of Faculty with Ph.D | 7 |
3. | No of Recognized Research Supervisors | 5 |
4. | No of Internal Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D | 2 |
5. | No of External Faculty Members pursuing Ph.D | 14 |
5.Dr. R.MadavanHigh Voltage Engineering, Nano Dielectrics, Electrical Engineering, Power System Equipments
S.No | Name of the Supervisor | Supervisor ID | Research Areas |
1. | Dr. R.Madavan | 3330020 | High Voltage Engineering, Nano Dielectrics, Electrical Engineering, Power System Equipments |
2. | Dr. K.Punitha | 3330018 | Renewable Energy, Embedded System, Power Electronics, Soft Computing Techniques |
3. | Dr. S.Edwin Jose | 2530021 | Power Electronics and Power Quality |
4. | Dr.R. Muniraj | 3430013 | Electrical engineering, Control System, Intelligent control genetic algorithm |
5. | Dr.M.Carmel Sobia | 3530003 | Image Processing, Instrumentation, Pattern Recognition, Measurements |
The following staff members are the Reviewer for Various international journals and conferences
Sl.No | Name of the Sc1holar | Name of the Supervisor | Area of Research | Year of Registration | Status |
1 | Raguraman L | Dr. R.Madavan | Wind-Solar Hybrid | Jan 2016 | Provisional Confirmation Received |
2 | E.Vanitha | Dr. R.Madavan | Medical Image | June 2016 | Course Work Completed |
3 | T.Balasubramanian | Dr. K.Punitha | High Voltage Disc Insulators | July 2017 | Course Work Completed |
4 | S.Sivakumar | Dr. S.Edwin Jose | Multi-Level Inverter | July 2017 | Course Work Completed |
5 | A.Prabhu | Dr. K.Punitha | Power Quality Improvement Using Power Electronics Converter | July 2017 | Course Work Completed |
6 | P.Meenalochini | Dr. R.Madavan | Double Functioning of Inverter | Jan 2018 | Thesis Submitted |
7 | M.Yamuna | Dr. R.Madavan | Liquid Insulation | July 2019 | Provisional Confirmation Received |
8 | K.Gengadevi | Dr. R.Madavan | Solid Insulation | July 2019 | Provisional Confirmation Received |
9 | K.Karuppasamy | Dr. K.Punitha | High Voltage Insulators | July 2019 | Course Work Completed |
10 | Sundari G | Dr.R.Muniraj | Intelligent Controller for Speed Control of Drives | July 2019 | Provisional Confirmation Received |
11 | S.Krishnaveni | Dr. K.Punitha | Power Quality Improvement in Micro grid Systems | Jan 2021 | Course Work Completed |
12 | C.R.Manoj | Dr. S.Edwin Jose | Modular Multi Level Converter with UPFC | Jan 2021 | Course Work Completed |
13 | Dhananjeyan S | Dr.R.Muniraj | Embedded Control System | Jan 2021 | Course Work Completed |
14 | Jeya Malar R | Dr. S.Edwin Jose | Image Processing | July 2021 | Course Work Completed |
15 | Devi B | Dr. S.Edwin Jose | Hybrid Source Electric Vehicles | July 2021 | Course Work Completed |
16 | Pon Bharathi A | Dr. R.Madavan | Solar Processing | July 2021 | Course Work Completed |
17 | Anto Jenisha Immastephy A | Dr. K.Punitha | Intrusion Detection | Jan 2023 | Course Work |
Sl.No | Name of the Scholar | Name of the Supervisor | Area of Research | Year of Registration | Date of Completion |
1. | R.Aruna | Dr.S.T.Jeya Christa | Control on Renewable Energy Resources | Jan 2015 | 26.07.2021 |
Sl.No | Name of the patent | Registration Number | Status |
1 | Solar tree embedded with smart modules | 202241059915 | Published |
2 | Mine workers safety monitoring system | 202241059914 | Published |
3 | Embedded based cloud agent device for infant mortality syndrome observing and investigation using ML | 202241004202 | Â Published |
4 | Monitoring and Pest control of sugarcane forming using unmanned aerial vehicle | 202241026853A | FER Received |
5 | IoT Based Automated Fault Detection And Monitoring of Solar Panel | 202241022897A | FER Received |
6 | IOT Enabled Automation for Organic Crap farming | 202241022899A | FER Received |
7 | Modular designed agricultural robot for ploughing seeding harvesting and spraying pesticides | 202141004627 | FER Submitted |
8 | Smart system for child rescue from borewell | 202141004622 | FER Submitted |
9 | Design and development of smart waist belt for visually impaired individuals | 201941029670 | FER Submitted |
10 | Modular Design and Implementation of stepped DC source multi-level inverter by reducing the switching | 201941004629 | FER Submitted |
11 | Prevention of road accidents using smart helmet | 201941004630 | FER Submitted |
12 | IOT based prediction and early avoidance of flood | 202141046447 | FER Submitted |
13 | Design and development of low cost, smart high security band to ensure women safety | 202141046446 | FER Submitted |
Sl.No |
Name of the patent |
Registration Number |
Status |
1 | Industrial drives and control Laboratory Manual |
1956/2019-CO/L L-81919/2019 |
Granted |
2 | Power Electronics Laboratory Manual |
11778/2019-CO/L |
Granted |
3 | Measurements and Instrumentation Lab Manual |
1959/2019-CO/L |
Under Review |
Power and Energy Engineering
Control and Instrumentation
Power Electronics and Drives
High Voltage Engineering
The publications from the college range from creative writing emphasis to technology-related subjects that makes basic training to the students. Significant publications come under the category of journalistic writing, symposiums, internships, and externships, etc.
Journal Publications
Academic Year 2022-2023
Academic Year 2021-2022
Academic Year 2020-2021
Academic Year 2019-2020
Conference Publications
Awards received in the events/conferences organized by other institutes
S. No. | Student Name | Name of the Event& Place | Achievement | Date |
1. | Mr.R.Dhivakar | Internship Progarm,IIT Guwahati | Successfully Completed | 01.02.2023 to 31.04.2023 |
2. | R.Sivasubramani | 75 th Republic day camp ,new delhi | Won three medals in various events | 01.01.2023 to
30.01.2023 |
3. | Mr.K.Rajkumar
& Mr.S.Abdul Azeez
National Level Conference on “ Renewable Energy for Electric Vehicle Charging System ,Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology,Virudhunagar | Second Prize
(Received the Cash Award Rs.750/-) |
17/03/2023. |
4. | G.Guruvel Sarveshwar | National Level Technical Symposium
Arduino Programming,Mepco Schlenk Engg.College |
II Prize &
Rs.750/- (Cash Award) |
17.02.2023 to
18.02.2023 |
5. | G.Guruvel Sarveshwar | National Level Technical Symposium
Circuit Debugging Mepco Schlenk Engg.College |
II Prize &
Rs.750/- (Cash Award) |
17.02.2023 to
18.02.2023 |
6. | G.Guruvel Sarveshwar | National Level Technical Symposium, Project Completion
Mepco Schlenk Engg.College |
II Prize &
Rs.750/- (Cash Award) |
17.02.2023 to
18.02.2023 |
7. | Mr.S.Suryabalaji | National Level Technical Symposium, National Engineering College. | I Prize | 11.02.2023 |
8. | Mr.P.Gurupothiraja | National Level Technica |
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