Alumni Chapters
Alumni Chapters
The PSR Alumni Association is made up of more than 3200 graduates, friends and former staff from the P.S.R. Engineering College.The network has global reach with members located throughout the world.
The Present Executive committee members of the society are as follows:
Thiru R.Solaisamy | Parton | Correspondent |
Mrs.S.Vigneswari Solaisamy | President | Director |
Mrs.R.Ramani | Secretary - PSRAA | Asso. Professor |
Mr.R.Ramkumar | Secretary - Chennai Chapter | Project Manager, HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai |
Mr.G.Krishna kumar | Joint Secretary | Project Manager, Inflow Technologies, Chennai |
Mr.G.Nagarajan | Treasurer | Technical Lead, IBM India Pvt Ltd |
Mr.K. Dhanasekaran | Executive Committee Member | Associate Software Engineer, Britannia |
Mr.T. Ponraj | Executive Committee Member | Developer, Cognizant Technology |
Mr. S. Selvendran | Executive Committee Member | IT Manager, Endeka Ceramics India Pvt Ltd |
Mr.B. Antony Pradeep Raja | Executive Committee Member | Software Engineer, Polaris |
Mr.P. Raveendran | Executive Committee Member | Manager Engineering, Lynk Logistics |
The Present Executive committee members of the society are as follows:
Thiru R.Solaisamy | Parton | Correspondent |
Mrs.S.Vigneswari Solaisamy | President | Director |
Mrs.R.Ramani | Secretary - PSRAA | Asso. Professor |
Mr.N.Venkat Narayanan | Secretary - Bangalore Chapter | Manager - Software, Mythopoeia Holdings Ltd |
Mr.Raja Chocklingam | Joint Secretary | Project Manager, TCS |
Mr.K.Venkatesh | Treasurer | Software Engineer, JPMorgan |
Mr.S.Amalraj | Executive Committee Member | Sr Software Engineer, Ducont India System Pvt Ltd |
Mr.K.T.Dharan | Executive Committee Member | Tech Specialist, Bosch |
Mr.S. Jeyaraj | Executive Committee Member | Associate, JPMorgan |
Mr.G.Ram Kumar | Executive Committee Member | Senior Data Analyst, Indegene Pvt Ltd |
Mr.M.Bala Subramani | Executive Committee Member | Associate Consultant, Infosys |
Govt. Or non-Govt. Organization providing financial grant to encourage research and development through various schemes.
The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) provides financial assistance to promote research work in the fields of Science & Technology, including Agriculture, Engineering and Medicine. The assistance is provided by way of grants to Professors/Experts in regular employment, in the universities, IITs, post-graduate institutions, recognised R&D laboratories both in public and private sectors. Research proposals of applied nature as well as those falling under basic sciences which attempt to solve specific problems being pursued by CSIR laboratories, or in newer and complementary fields, are considered for CSIR support. Priority is given to multi-disciplinary projects which involve inter-organisational co-operation (including that of CSIR laboratories). However, preference is given to schemes which have relevance to research programmes of CSIR laboratories.
UGC supports the colleges, universities and individuals through various research funding schemes.
The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) supports extramural research and development activities in nuclear and allied sciences, engineering and technology through its nodal funding agency – the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS). BRNS continuously thrives to encourage, enthuse and support scientists and engineers in pursuing excellence in R & D programmes of interest and relevance to DAE.
Department of Biotechnology enhances the research activities through different R&D schemes.
ICMR encourages following thrust areas such as communicable diseases, Tribal health, Reproductive, Nutrition, and non-communicable diseases thorough Research funding.
AICTE supports the higher education through various research schemes.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has evolved a programme through which financial support is provided for conducting research and development activities related to Space Science, Space Technology and Space Application to academia in India. This programme of ss. In special cases research and development projects proposed by non-academic R & D laboratories can also be supported through this programme. The aim of RESPOND is to encourage quality research in areas of relevance to the Indian space programme.
Providing Support for creation of Innovation Infrastructure in emerging areas of technology.
Scheme for GIA Support for Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / Symposium.
Electronics and IT Industry.
Economic Planning.
HRD/Knowledge Management
Thrust Areas
Ministry has identified thrust areas in which R&D efforts are required. Ministry considers R&D proposals which are directly related to the activities/ programmes of the Ministry and hold promise for commercialization in near future. The thrust areas mainly covers programmes, such as, Rural Energy; Solar Energy; Energy from Urban & Industrial Wastes; Power Generation- Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro; New Technologies- Chemical Sources (fuel cells), Hydrogen, Ocean & Geothermal Energy; etc.
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DST sponsored research project "Synthesis and Characterisation of rare earth doped lanthanum and gadolinium oxide nanoparticles for luminescence applications" received by Dr R.Srinivasan.
Sl.No | Dept | Name of the Investigator(s) & Dept | Title of the Research Project | Sponsor | Starting Year | Period | Sanctioned amount in Rs. | Status |
1 | Chemistry | Dr. R. Srinivasan | Synthesis and Characterisation of rare earth doped lanthanum and gadolinium oxide nanoparticles for luminescence applications | DST | 2013 | 3yrs | 17,00,000 | On Going |