Workshop on Computing Innovations and Applications in AI and IoT (CI2AI), 2024

About the Workshop

The Workshop on Computing Innovations and Applications in AI and IoT (CI2AI), on April 26, 2024, is a premier event organized by the P.S.R. Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India. This workshop is dedicated to exploring the latest advancements and applications in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).


The primary objective of CI2AI is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from around the globe to present and discuss their latest research findings, innovations, and ideas. The workshop aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, addressing the current trends, challenges, and future directions in AI and IoT.

Themes and Topics

International Advisory Board

Format and Sessions

Paper Submission and Publication

Researchers are invited to submit their papers through the official email: All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest quality of contributions. Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication.

Submission Instructions:

We invite original, unpublished research papers that align with the workshop's theme and have a minimum length of 10 "standard" pages. (Note: 1 standard page = 2500 characters). Authors are required to adhere to the CEUR Workshop format. The minimum length of a regular or short paper should be five "standard" pages. Invited papers can have fewer pages. We distinguish regular papers (at least 10 "standard" pages) and short papers (5-9 "standard" pages).

Each submission will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by experts in the field, evaluating the originality, significance, and clarity of the work. Only papers presenting original content with novel research results or successful innovative applications will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.

Deadline: Submit your papers before March 15, 2024.

Keynote Speakers

Impact and Future Directions

CI2AI aims to contribute significantly to the fields of AI and IoT by providing a platform for disseminating knowledge and encouraging innovation. By addressing critical issues such as data privacy, security, infrastructure, and ethical considerations, the workshop seeks to pave the way for responsible and impactful technological advancements.

We are confident that CI2AI will inspire new research directions, forge strong industry-academic collaborations, and contribute to the development of AI and IoT solutions that address real-world problems and improve quality of life.

Contact Us

Dr. Sankarganesh, Workshop Coordinator-CI2AI, 2024
